
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Surprise! Choir 37!

(written yesterday, but posted today...)

After weeks of keeping a secret, today finally came. I surprised Auntie Chelsea, Uncle Vic, and Choir 37. It was a lovely day. And before these chocolate covered espresso beans wear off I'm going to attempt to lay out some of my thoughts.

1) I love the Choir.
2) Choir 37 is a lighthearted and wonderful team. (Thanks for letting me tag along today.)
3) I realized today that I don't think there is a definite end to this whole "debrief" thing for me. I am changed because of tour. Things will always remind me of my kids and team, I will always be missing them. I am learning that I should use those reminders to lift them up in prayer and to be thankful for the time that I had with them.
4) I should have run more with the kids on tour :)
5) It's incredible how I walked into the church with my ACC shirt on and felt right back on tour. Someone asked me about a cd and my explanation that I had probably said hundreds of time (but haven't said in the last six months) came pouring out.
6) God likes to redeem things. Not always in ways that we understand.
7) I can't wait for them to make it to my church in just a couple of weeks. That's right, I get to be a DP.
8) I miss my kids. I realize though that they are were they are supposed to be. As am I.
9) Looking at Bob reminded me of Rogers the whole day.
10) I love watching and hearing the audience respond to the concert, so much encouragement in the room. I especially loved the lady at the concert who went and threw money on the stage.
11) Attitude changes everything. This is linked to perspective I think, or what we choose to perceive sometimes.
12) Surprises are great.
13) Being on tour changes you. God can use the setting and experiences to grow and nurture such good things in your life if you are willing.
14) I miss the community that tour brings.
15) I miss unloading/setting up/tear-down. (Weird I know)
16) God's plan is better than mine.

A few pictures from the day...

^on my way!
^morning concert in Hudsonville (aren't they beautiful)
^they LOVE to dance
^oH HapPy dAy
^together again :) complete with freezie drinks from Bigby
^Rogers' (from my choir) cousin Bob, they look so much alike
^this reminds me of Auntie Mel a.k.a. expert shaker like the girls
^love this dance!

So thankful for my time with 37.


  1. I absolutely cannot wait to share this with you in a few days! I felt these same things way back in March. See you so soon!

  2. Loved reading this Leash! I'm excited to come to the concert in July and experience everything that you've told me so much about!

  3. Beautiful! I am so glad you came and I could be with you as you experienced this choir. They are beautiful an inspiring. You put so manythings into words that are not always easy to find how to word. Thank you for this post and praise the Lord for chocolate covered espresso beans!!!
